New developments are popping up all over our beloved community, but the Junction is one of the only local neighbourhoods that has not had a City paid planning study to help inform development. Parkdale, Roncy and Bloor West have had these studies done but in 2020 this request was rejected by City Council due to no budget allocation.
We want to raise the funds for an architectural study to provide Junction residents with a design for change in our community. The study will:
engage the community and review feedback from you and your neighbours
prepare for and facilitate meetings to identify aspirations of our community
develop the design for Dundas Street.
produce a tool we can use to lobby the Councillor's office to inform the Official Plan policies that impact our community
Please make a donation today to help fund this study and bring our collective vision to life. Together we can create a Junction main street that we can be proud to live and work in!
Overview of Project
Background information:
The JRA has been advocating for an avenue or area study, including heritage, that would meaningfully engage impacted residents and businesses.
Parkdale, Roncesvalles and Bloor West Village have had such studies done, paid for by the City. The Junction has not. Planning Studies – City of Toronto
In early 2020, during the City of Toronto’s budget consultation process, the Junction Residents Association with the support of 3 neighbouring residents associations, formally requested an avenue study along Dundas Street (between Jane and Humberside). The request was rejected; no room in the budget was the reason given.
Design Your Main Street is inspired by the recent Avenue Road Safety Coalitions’ commissioning of Brown and Storey Architects to prepare a report: Concepts for expanding the public realm on Avenue Road
Purpose of the Project:
Design Your Main Street will provide a platform for the community to have a voice, given the emerging pressures in the Junction and the impending changes to the physical landscape. The focus of the project is to capture what we value as a community and retain the services of professionals for a design/study of Dundas. This design/study will give us an effective tool to lobby the Councillor's office to inform the Official Plan policies that impact our community. The project will also seek to identify opportunities to make streetscape improvements.
Why Should the Community Pay for an “Avenue Study”?:
While neighbouring areas have had this funded by the City of Toronto, the Junction’s request was denied because of the City’s inability to fund it now.
To illustrate what we want Dundas Street to look like.
Prepares the community for responding to development proposals.
Provides a consensus among members about what they would like to see.
Can be used as a tool by the City to inform policies that impact our neighbourhood.
Phases of the Project:
Phase 1 (completed) - by surveying the community during the summer of 2023 (with assistance provided by university students with expertise in community outreach and survey research).
You may access the Design Your Main Street Study Report below:
Phase 2 - by developing material (DYMS) that represents the community’s wishes by engaging residents and local stakeholders
Phase 3 - by sharing the results of both efforts with key decision makers and political leaders
Funding of the Project:
Design Your Main Street is a Junction Residents Association initiated project made possible through funding received through the Canada Summer Jobs Program , donations from the public and sponsorship from our Community Partners featured below. Please consider making a donation today.
The JRA can't do this without the support our
amazing community partners!
The JRA can't do this without the support our
amazing community partners!
Our Guiding Principles for Addressing Development:
facilitating community engagement that informs proposals
accept/respect the legislated planning framework that secures community feedback
work with City plans and land use policies
recognize that city officials are stewards of City plans and land use policies that guide development applications
advocate for positive change in recognition of the social, environmental, physical and political context in which we live.