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  • junctionra

The Trees Along Dundas Need You!!

The JRA is looking for volunteers to help water the trees along Dundas Street!

In previous years LEAF partnered with local environment group Green 13 to do this, but now more help is needed. That’s where we JRA members and community members come in!! People are needed to fill our rain barrel and pull it on a wagon from tree to tree on those hot summer days when trees need -and gratefully appreciate -a cool long drink of water. Volunteers commit to one shift a week. Volunteers are also needed to approach local businesses about adopting the tree in front of their business. You choose which task you’d like and Rose will give you all the information and support you need. Contact her at You will get a LEAF t-shirt -and a warm glow in your heart - for helping save our trees! Our trees are too valuable to let them die of thirst. Please give a few hours a week to keep them healthy and green.


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